In this page you will find NYAPRS Short Video’s. These were created by NYAPRS to serve as introductory mini-trainings on various topics of interest. All of these topics can be expanded and brought directly to the provider for in-person staff development training. Reach out to Ruth Colón-Wagner, Director of Training & Development at for more information about accessing our In-Person Trainings.
Recovery-Oriented Care
Recovery-Oriented Care: A NYAPRS Short-Video – LINK
Recovery Oriented Care is the backbone of our work. This video will describe how to bring recovery oriented principles into your practice using examples, stories, and suggestions.
Narrated by Ruth Colón-Wagner, LMSW, Director of Training & Development, NYAPRS
Mindfulness 101: Introduction to the basics for your life and work – A NYAPRS Short-Video – LINK
Mindfulness is a powerful method of enhancing our whole health. In this video, we’ll explore the basics of mindfulness, and how it may be incorporated into the lives of helping practitioners as well as the people they serve.
Narrated by Perryn Dutiger, MSW, Training & Technical Assistance Facilitator for the Hudson River Region, NYAPRS
Outreach and Engagement
Outreach & Engagement: Building Connections on the Path to Recovery – a NYAPRS Short-Video – LINK
Being able to effectively engage people is critical to cultivating recovery relationships. In this video, we will review some basic outreach and engagement methods, with a focus on working with individuals residing in long-term Adult Home programs or State Psychiatric Centers. Our role in helping them move towards a path of wellness and greater self-determination will be explored.
Narrated by Perryn Dutiger, MSW, Training & Technical Assistance Facilitator for the Hudson River Region, NYAPRS
Shared Decision Making
Playing Our Part: The Importance of Shared Decision Making – A NYAPRS Short-Video – LINK
The Importance of Shared Decision Making- With the advent of recovery-based services, there is a paradigm shift and participants of services are now actively involved in the decision-making process of their care. We recognize that participants are experts in themselves and as such, have a significant role in making decisions about their care and having choices in order to make informed decisions. This webinar explores this new shift in the continuum of care.
Narrated by Rob Statham, Training & Technical Assistance Facilitator for the Western Region, NYAPRS
Advance Directives
Building Partnerships through Advanced Directives – A NYAPRS Short-Video – LINK
A Psychiatric Advance Directive (PAD) allows an individual to create instructions and designate someone to act on their behalf in the event the individual should become incapable of making decisions regarding her/his mental health treatment. It can help you get the treatment you want and avoid the treatment you don’t, even if you are unable to communicate those preferences. In this 20 minute presentation we will review specifics of a New York State PAD, some of the information it should contain, and how to ensure providers know you have a PAD.
Narrated by Larry Hochwald, CPRP, Training & Technical Assistance Facilitator for the NYC & LI Region, NYAPRS
Recovery Through the Group Process
Recovery through the Group Process – A NYAPRS Short-Video – LINK
Recovery through the Group Process- Group Work is an important tool in the journey to recovery and wellness. It can facilitate recovery by setting up a safe environment for sharing and it also allows more practitioners and participants to work together. As a result, many practitioners find themselves facilitating groups without adequate Group Work training. This training will provide an overview of Group Work defining each person’s role and the skills necessary for effective results.
Narrated by Rob Statham, Training & Technical Assistance Facilitator for the Western Region, NYAPRS
Building Recovery Relationships
Building Trust by Creating Recovery Relationships – A NYAPRS Short-Video – LINK
The biggest factor in supporting individuals in the recovery journey is the relationship with those who believe in them. Learn how to develop relationships of mutual respect that build skills, emphasize choice, and support the dignity of risk.
Narrated by Larry Hochwald, CPRP, Training & Technical Assistance Facilitator for the NYC & LI Region, NYAPRS