In this page you will find NYAPRS Short Video’s. These were created by NYAPRS to serve as introductory mini-trainings on various topics of interest. All of these topics can be expanded and brought directly to the provider for in-person staff
McSilver CTAC – Output to Outcomes
McSilver Community Technical Assistance Center Output to Outcomes website can be found here.
Information on Cultural Competence from their Strategic Prevention Framework.
National Center on Cultural Competence
The National Center on Cultural Competence has a variety of resources that are relevant to our work. Cultural Competence Continuum A Guide to Planning and Implementing Cultural Competence Organizational Self-Assessment NCCC Homepage
NYS OMH – Cultural Competence
NYS Office of Mental Health Cultural Competence Definition and Plan Outline
CRS:BLS PFCS ‘Social Living’
Social Living CRS:BLS 1x week 50 minutes Description: An interactive group to enhance interpersonal communication and social skills. Outcome: Group members will develop a better sense of self in relationship to others so that members will have greater success in