CRS:WSM ARA ‘Anger Management’

  Title of Service:                              Anger Management           Total Number of Sessions:         13 Duration of each session:           45 minutes  PROS Service: CRS: Wellness Self-Management   Service Goal: Assist participants in learning effective ways to manage anger and problem solve

CRS:CLE St. Joseph’s ‘Addressing Barriers to Employment’

St Joseph’s PROS Program Curriculum Outline Course Title: Addressing Barriers to Employment Component and Service: CRS-CLE   Course Overview/ Description: In this course participants will learn coping strategies to deal with their emotional concerns, and gain knowledge about the culture

CRS:WSM St. Joseph’s ‘Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression’

St Joseph’s PROS Program Curriculum Outline    Course Title:     Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression Component and Service: CRS:WSM   Course Overview/ Description: There is an overwhelming amount of information on defeating depression, including many different ideas on how this might