Each curricula is developed with service categories in mind.  These are identified in the Outline for each curricula.  However, each provider is responsible for ensuring the proper service category when providing and billing for the service.  It is also recommended that each curricula be reviewed and edited as you deem necessary to fit the strengths and needs of each particular group.  Thank you.



  • Making and Keeping Friends: This group will help people to identify why forming relationships are important to them. At the completion of this group, participants will be able to identify the qualities they would like in their friends, identify places to go to make friends, learn strategies for keeping strong friendships, establish boundaries in friendships, and resolve problems in relationships.
    • Outline HERE
    • Facilitator’s Guide HERE
    • Participant’s Guide HERE
  •  “I Can Do It!”  Community Inclusion & Eight Steps to Being Whole:  ‘I Can Do It!’ is designed to assist members to identify areas in which they can increase their Community Inclusion activities. We will use the Eight Dimensions of Wellness as created by SAMHSA. We will examine how we can improve our overall wellness within each of the Eight domains so that we can live independent lives as we work to live like everyone else.
    • Facilitator’s Guide HERE
    • Participant’s Guide HERE
  • “Dating 101!” –  is a curriculum that will help people who are interested in dating but may not have had recent experience, lack confidence, not know how/where to meet new people, or just feel a little lost about how to get started.

  • Re-connections: The Strength of Family and Friends in our Lives – this curriculum will assist people in examining their past and those relationships that were important to them.  They will explore their grief and begin the steps to reconnecting with the people they identify.
    • Outline HERE
    • Facilitator’s Guide HERE
    • Participant’s Guide HERE

  • Mission Possible: Independent but not Alone – this curriculum explores the loneliness people feel following a life changing event and the ways in which to understand one’s level of loneliness and work on overcoming it.  This curriculum is filled with self-assessments to help participants explore themselves and how to feel less lonely and find fulfillment.
    • Facilitator’s Guide HERE
    • Participant’s Guide HERE